Friday, October 06, 2006

Little darling...

...It'll be a long, cold, lonely winter.

Well, to my utmost surprise, the spinning situation has improved drastically. The main factor for the improvement is that I discovered the bike I used was faulty and when the tension was supposed to be down to zero, it actually remained at a 2 or 3 level. I didn't realize that until I tried another and then I discovered what a real tension zero is. Aaaaaaaaah. All the difference in the world. I think the risk of losing my lunch is now a thing of the past. Not only that but somewhere endurance must be kicking in because I swear, I finished my spinning session last night, after a boot camp class, with almost some energy to spare. Considering my recent state after spinning, it's nothing short of a miracle.

My claims to wimphood were therefore a little premature. But try having a best friend training for a TRIATHLON, you'll see how quickly you're reduced to wimphood.

I'm on the verge of, no, not of a nervous breakdown, but a long weekend. And I have zero plans! Nothing whatsoever. So anything and everything that will happen will be on the spur of the moment.
Here comes the sun…and I say…It's all right.


  1. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Funny, your plans are the opposite of mine... I've got to go here and run there, catch the cranberry harvest (wait until you see the pix), go up to Grouse, and to Lynn valley, and the Capilano River to try and shoot the salmon run, and... and... ;-)

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM basically you have a life, and I don't :)
    Seriously I wish I could go spend the weekend with you! We'd have FUN.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Come here in Spain and spend the week end with me!! Could be fun too! And kids are allowed! :-)

    Since Vince doesn't want to come...:-(

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Somehow, I have no doubt that we'd have a blast indeed...
    "Dis, Angel, c'est loin l'Espagne?"
    "Tais-toi et nage!"

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Spain two blocks away!!
    Easy to reach!
