Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I write therefore I am

Why would someone put there self (your desires, wants, flaws and accomplishments on the web for the worlds review?)

Such was the question asked by my ex-husband. Indeed why? What I hear in this question is implicit criticism of... a lack of reserve? a tasteless display of things that should remain private? a lack of common sense or decency perhaps?
It reminds me of what a friend had told me once about a female acquaintance that was totally open in what she was saying, so open that it bothered him and made him want to ask: "Ok, would you like to take your clothes off now?"
Unsolicited confidences, excessive openness may be as disturbing as unwelcome nudity. It can make one feel drawn into an intimacy one has no desire for.
Once in a while, I wonder if I cross the line of "Would you like to take your clothes off now?"
I am certainly no exhibitionist. Every piece of personal feeling I communicate on this blog takes a conscious effort, a deliberate will to be transparent. Those efforts tend towards a personal goal that concerns only me (see I don't tell EVERYTHING!).

Here's what my brother had to say:

(…) But one thing is for sure, for people who are more secretive (or less inclined to expose their private life), your posts must sometimes be quite shocking. You do talk about most personal feelings with a "desinvolture" that's probably hard to understand for some (…)

I think it’s mostly men that are nonplussed by how open I am on the blog. We women are more used to intimacy and sharing our emotions, it doesn’t shock us as much. But men! Big, strong silent, type! Men don’t cry. Men hardly acknowledge feelings.
I suppose men don’t talk about their latest crush in the locker room…:)

In the end, what I think is: if you have to ask why... then don’t worry about it!


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Do NOT ruin my image of what actually goes on in the women's locker room.

  2. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Ach! The stories I could tell you...:)

  3. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Well said. And great quote too. ;-)

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    This post makes me wonder...
    Je sais pas si c'est une différence homme/femme en fait...Ptetre juste la personnalité.
    Ce qui est sûr c'est que très souvent je me dis: 'Mais pourquoi tu écris tout ça ici? Pourquoi ce blog? Est-ce que je révêle trop de moi? N'importe qui peut tomber dessus et interprêter...'...
    Je sais pas...C'est un peu étrange.
