Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Sunny Sunday

A post directly inspired by some green New York posting...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gods and Monsters

I saw last night that a liter of gas was at 1.304 $, and thanks to recent brainwashes, I thought: "Oh, it's cheap! I'll fill up first thing tomorrow morning." (Yeah, can you imagine?)

At 6h45 am the next morning I pulled up at the gas station. Alas! The God of Oil had striked again! The numbers said: 1.384$ Overnight, the price went up by 8 cents, or 6%. OVERNIGHT.

How long will we put up with this bullshit? What's my alternative???? Let's just say my bike will get plenty of mileage, not only because it's good for me, but because it's my only way to give the finger to the oil business.

F*** Y*** OIL BUSINESS!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Marie likes dandelions. What a coincidence, we just happen to have a plantation.... funny how the neighbors don't seem to find it as pretty as we do.

It's a hard life, but somebody has to live it...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers' Day

It was a gorgeous, sunny day, as my nose and cheeks could attest. We prepared the table outside. No bugs, no sweater needed, perfect temperature.

Notice, unlike my dear sister-in-law's table, no tenderly cooked dish. We don't cook! As Vince well knows.

The Christmas tree gave us such beauty and joy during the holidays. Saved for the purpose, it now ended its mission in a blaze of glory, giving us a lively, crackling and fragrant fire.

Meanwhile, Yann practiced for male teenagerhood: note the lounging position, the no effort attitude, and the provided-by-a-helpful-female bowl of popcorn to be eaten at leisure. I think he'll be a natural.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Luritja cools off ...

...while Loukhi roams by Bondi's grave.

And they weren't overexposed before I posted them, dammit.

A Tale of Two Kitties

Dust To Dust

Cats are dainty creatures who can spend hours washing their fur meticulously.

Then came Loukhi.

Never as happy as when she is perfectly filthy. The photos truly don't do her justice.