Sunday, November 19, 2006


I gave in yesterday and acquired an Ipod, after my MP3 player started misbehaving badly. I now have eight times the space I had before, and I have to say, I-pod and Mac... they sure get along! Copying and uploading is a
walk in the park. So I'm a man with a new toy (that says it all).

I've downloaded some Gypsy Kings and some Buena Vista Social Club that speak of pleasant hours ahead.

There's even a contraption that allows you to play your Ipod in your car...I'm gonna ask Santa for one...

The suitcase is packed. I have a laptop but I'll blog only if I'm in the mood for it. I love travelling by myself, always have, but I also know by experience that hotel rooms are sometimes the loneliest place on earth. And I'm still looking for the hotel that would provide the company of a cat for the duration of your stay. I hate sleeping by myself. I might have to resort to the company of men. Ahem.

I will try to fit in a few workouts or at least a few runs.

My son will miss me, my cats will be desperate, or as desperate as cats get, which means keep on eating and sleeping and once in a while, open one eye to see if "she"'s back.

I leave early in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Since when do you need Santa when there's something you want???
