Friday, August 25, 2006


Well I can now confirm that 3 hours of workout in one day is nothing but counterproductive. Because at the following workout, 24h later, my heartrate went through the roof and I had to stop and walk around, and my muscles were just fried. So today, nothing but rest. Another lesson on the path of fitness. You might tell me this was just common sense, but no, pushing the limits is about testing things yourself and watching the results. Ask my son.

Rest today is spelled L.O.S.T. Hey, I am as curious as the next person and I do want to know what will happen. The faint-hearted, skip the following revelation, but I found out yesterday that my video store ONLY HAS SEASON ONE. How I will survive this, no one knows at this time.

And you all, good people, how are you?

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