Sunday, August 13, 2006

His Funny Bone

Most people familiar with my blog are also familiar with my big brother's. Today's entry, however, is just too good not to point out. Do NOT miss: The future of plane travel.

My personal favorite: the way the department keep changing its name, apparently randomly. Oooooh, that's too good.

I've got one too: I've heard through the grapevines that in a certain department, the former branch of Human Resources (pretty straightforward) has been renamed People and Culture (huh?). Delightful.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Glad you liked it :-)

    P.S. The Human Resources dept' must have been renamed by an 80's music fan.

    What, you don't get it? The HUMAN League, Village PEOPLE and CULTURE Club. ;-)
