Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Day of the Sun

Two days of relentless rain, of the heavens playing the crying game...

I pushed "pause" and lived on the fringe of myself. My nights were filled with nightmares so I slept during the day, when my slumber is never haunted.
I lost track of time, of reality, of my own existence. I woke up on the third day as if a voice had said: "Now, it's Enough" and "Welcome Back".

My house is still standing, Sweet is holding on, and the sun is shining again.

Very painful cramping of my calfs, shins and ankles during the run, not sure why. It took all my concentration to work through the pain.

My garden is a field of dandelions. I rather like it, it reminds me of the prairies in Austria.

Happy Mother's Day on a sunny Sunday of May.


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Beautiful colours, beautiful garden, beautiful flowers, beautiful text...

  2. Anonymous8:08 PM

    You've said it all, Newyorkangel.
    I'll add, though : beautiful pictures.
