Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Anderson Cooper: young, rich, famous, good-looking heir, he could have been another P. H. (I wont spell her name because Im afraid people Googling her would end up on my page: THE INDIGNITY!)

Hes meeting throngs of gushing fans and he manages to stay gracious, friendly, simple and amicable. HOW DOES HE DO IT?

I hat highly dislike crowds, I dont like the public, and I dont enjoy strangers. I hope I never become famous because being always surrounded by eager crowds would be enough, I believe, to make me depart from my lovely, friendly self. So Im truly in awe of people who handle it graciously.

P. H.: This is one broad who, as far as I know, didnt exist until a few years ago. Shes probably a plant by Al Qaeda to bring our culture to its knees. Shes everything the really good families raise their heirs no to be (point in case, AC above): spoiled, flashy, dumb, full of herself, arrogant, selfish and totally useless. Can someone PLEASE make her disappear fromeverywhere I turn?

Angelina Jolie: I want her as my mother, I want to marry her, or I want to be her. Whichever. I dont mind.

Ann Coulter: She has a lot in common with Bin Laden: they have throngs of followers although most people with any common sense see them as evil extremists; they believe they, and only they, hold the only truth, and that their religion is the only legitimate one; they believe in radical solutions; they are closed-minded, hateful and abhorrent. While one is wanted dead or alive by the US, the other is maintained in the lap of luxury by the US. Does it make sense to you? Because it doesnt to me.

I have only one response to Ann Coulter: total and absolute boycott.

I'm really happy for y'all that I could provide you with those useless insights about my stand on these celebrities, especially my many Southern Chinese readers who otherwise don't get much in terms of REAL news. What can I say: I am once again selflessly putting myself to use for the common good of the community. I'm a living and breathing example of life. (Respectful bowing would be appropriate here - feel free.)


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    When I read P.H, I knew who you were talking about BUT, par association d'idées, ce sont les deux mots papier hygiénique qui sont arrivés dans mon cerveau!! And if you think about it, it makes sense!! Y'avait aussi pouf hystérique...And it works too!

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Pouf hystérique,,,m'oui, pas mal :)
