Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Dark Side

In my movie reviews, I've neglected so far to talk about "Crash", even though I believe it was the best film I rented in 2005.
"Crash" is a must-see. The cast is outstanding, the scenario is outstanding, and the subject is dynamite. I warmly recommend it to everybody.

I love how it embraces the many sides of people, how it defies the traditional Hollywood cast of Good and Bad without much in between.

Anything that reminds me that no one is always good or always bad, always honest or always a crook, always honorable or always scum, much as we'd like to pretend, is welcome to me. There is no place in our society for our dichotomy. I'm not sure whether that's good or bad.
And yes, I hated that Hugh Grant would seek oral sex from a black prostitute. It's very hard to acknowledge the dark side, in ourselves and in others. But Star Wars is a myth. In life, you never really choose one side to the exclusion of the other. You navigate the line back and forth. I hope I can one day learn to live comfortably with mine.

I have an unfortunate tendency to idealize people, always to be disappointed in the end. The day I can truly accept and be comfortable with the fact that both sides are present in EVERYBODY, that day I will have taken a huge step towards...the essence of things.
Yet another notion that the Yin and Yang around my neck reminds me of daily!

I've been serious far too long. Next thing you know, I'll dress only in black and listen to requiems. Hopefully, my next post will be total madness.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Not to worry. You can count on it.
