Thursday, December 25, 2014

A New Word

I've opened a forum on Facebook, but I don't expect much from Facebook.
Here is the thing. I am discovering and playing with foreign words that have no equivalent in English but designate a familiar concept.
Carried away by my enthusiasm, I actually want to create a new word. It will mean:
"Lifting a cat by the tail, briefly lifting its 2 back paws, given and received as a friendly gesture."

And to demonstrate my word, I made a bad, short video on an unsuspecting victim.

Blogger will not let me post it so I'll draw an illustration when I have a minute.

Any suggestion is welcome, until it feels right!


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Put the picture on facebook. A suggestion for the word : cattail lift. Just to get started.

  2. Another suggestion "the jack". My current suggestion: "to vann"...

  3. Where does vann come from? I have been thinking about this new word and can't come up with any suggestions... :( Have you decided?
