Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Pool People

The results of the competition are in and yours truly has qualified on a pool. We're not talking swimming here. We're not even talking about a wet pool. I probably would have done much better in a wet pool.

The consequences of my being in that pool, even if I remain dry, could lead to significant changes in my daily work. Pool People will be chosen, randomly or not so randomly, to fill positions in several locations. The positions might be crawl, butterfly or back. Just kidding.

It is therefore a distinct possibility that within two months, my daily grind might lead me to another hunting ground. Am I proud, thrilled and elated? Absolutely not. Perhaps it will come later. I have yet to announce at large that I am now a PP (Pool Person). Swimsuit optional.

The most significant changes that come to mind, as a Pool Person:

- I'll have to take the subway following my train ride. I HATE the subway.
- I'll loose physical proximity to 3 best friends. Then again, Jenö will be taking off to take care of miniature Jenös, and the others are looking for change also. Only change is constant.
- my daily chores will be drastically different. I'll deal with the public. I bet that will give me material for this blog.
- I'll no longer have a window into SYWRD's mind, emails, and sense of humour. That's a small but nonetheless significant loss.

On the up side of Pool People

- I'll get to meet new people and make new friends.
- I will experience something totally different.

There are other positive aspects but I try to keep my job vague on here, so I won't go into them.

So that's it. No lanes, but some slower swimmers. No chlorine but a draft of humanity. The ever changing, ever shifting shape and face of reality. Bathing caps are not allowed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:26 AM

    A change of scenery can help from time to time!!
    Good luck then!
