Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bla Bla

It's rather amusing. I have not one, not two, but three potential job openings. Actually one is firm, two are still potential. It's all happening at once.

One job is farther, unknown, but with good advancement potential. One job is close to my home, known, no raise, but in an environment I've been aiming to join for a long time. The third one offers a salary increase and is for a boss I know and like. I'm nearly tearing my hair out trying to make the best, wisest choice with the data I have and the one I don't. It is NOT easy. Regardless of my choice, I'll be taking a chance. It's just the type of chance that will differ. Man oh man.

I have the deplorable habit of choosing the work environment and people and the tasks themselves over salary increase or advancement possibilities. I guess I'd rather be happy now than rich later. The downside is that I remain poor now. Ahem.

Do you ever wonder why you're alive and Daniel Pearl isn't? No? Ok. I do. No connection with the first paragraphs whatsoever. Just a thought that goes through my head sometimes.

I proudly showed my new heart rate monitor to my ‘Structor last night. He looked dubious:
“Well… First, you have to have a heart,” he said. And after I answered something ludicrous to a question he asked, he stared at my hair:
“Is that a wig?” he wondered earnestly. Irreverence, it seems, is contagious and I'm glad I finally passed it on!
I’m the first one to tell blonde jokes because I’m quite secure with my IQ but there are always some who manage to be offended. Fi donc!

One year and four days ago, I started this blog, unsure of how it would turn out, unsure of my motives, tentatively. One year and four days later, it’s still going strong, somewhat to my surprise. I’m still enjoying it which is the sole reason it is still up and going. For this second year, here’s my resolution: EDITING, Brig, EDITING. Write shorter, more to the point, more powerfully. Cut the blab bla out. You know? Like today’s bla bla.
- But I enjoy the bla bla!
- If you’re gonna write, Brig, you must aim to write WELL. Take what you want to write and then edit, to cut it about by half.
- (meekly) Yes m’am.
- Good girl.

End of my internal dialogue.


  1. No! No!
    No editing! I thoroughly enjoy your ramblings, they entertain me to no end.
    Of course, if your internal censor tells you you need to edit, who are you to question them, right... Argh. I never win that battle.

    Ah well. Led Zeppelin said to Ramble On... ;o)

  2. Awww, Miss C, how can I refuse...What do you mean RAMBLINGS?!?!?! ;)
