Friday, March 02, 2007

Don't Stop the Snowing Carnival

I was so excited today when I was sent home early because of the snow storm. I felt like a little kid.

HOURS of shoveling snow later, this is what I look like:

The snow banks on each side of my driveway are now taller than I am. That's 5'10". Next time the snowplough comes through on the street, kindly shoveling half a ton of snow in our entrance, I've no idea where we're going to put it.

So Jenö is doing an Ironman? Pffft! So what? I JUST CLEARED MY WHOLE DRIVEWAY..............................FOUR TIMES !!

So I'm going to the gym, for a STRETCHING class. Afterwards, I'm going to find out if they have a sauna, something I've never bothered checking before.

It's still snowing but I'm throwing the shovel. (Get it?)


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    And where are our pictures of the snow banks??? I need to see to believe... :-)

  2. Les sceptiques seront... fondus
