Thursday, October 02, 2008

A La Demandé Guénérale

From my (long) walk of Sunday, introducing Fall colors...

A neighbor I met on the way (I always stop to meet any cat I come across. Just being civil, you know...)

After the rain...

This is my life: a diary, and a cat guarding it.


  1. Wonderful pictures! And it is only polite to greet any cat one meets.

    Today a client asked hopefully whether slug bait would kill the cats next door.

    I had to remain mute.

    Don't fuck with karma, lady...


  2. Ahhhh. Thank you. Keep them coming! Our local fall colors are off to a very slow start, maybe they'll just be late...

    Oh, and that cat is... charging in. Funny. -)

  3. Marie: you could suggest to that woman to try the slug bait on herself first... Grrr.
    I know it's only polite to greet cats. Now if I can only bring myself to say good morning to my neighbors :)

    Beence: of course he's charging in, do you know a cat who can resist me? He ain't shy and coming straight for a petting, since "I" called.

  4. This captures my heart. Kitty.
