Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Is it really your Friend? Or your friends?
Is it a sign of what your friendships are like? Or a sign of what they are not?
When no one reacts to what you think is a major post, may be it's time to think again. May be it's meant to stay very, very superficial.
Ok. The rhythm of posting simply does not allow for thought or introspection. By the time you post a major post, 10 of your friends have posted about something else and your post is just lost in the tide.
Just remember that.
Throughout, some post are worth stopping and thinking, and feeling.
Slow down, Facebook. Slow down.


  1. Ha! You're right...and, personally, I have always been very wary of Facebook and the "genuine" caring and interest that happens with certain postings.
    I don't believe Facebook relationships ("friendships")and people's responses to you (or me) are any indication of true friendship status. I also don't believe everyone out there is as happy as they are purporting to be. :-)
    Now, I'm curious, though...what did you post that you felt wasn't taken seriously? :-)

  2. I agree Danni. Best friends, you call and email, you don't FB. Still, useful to keep track.
    It was actually a friend's post that didn't get noticed that started my rant, not one of mine :)
