Friday, August 29, 2008

For Shasta

Once in a while, a story strikes you and stays with you, like Beslan did and does for me.

I have always wanted to be a vegetarian because I love animals so much. Alas, I am very much a meat eater.
I have always wanted to be as colorblind as I was as a child. But with age came experience.
I have always wanted to be against the death penalty, as an ideal. But I've always been on the fence.

Two days ago, a monster was sentenced to death, and I don't see what else could have been done. Would a life in prison made him repent and change? I don't think so. What about the little boy he once was? I believe he is lost for this lifetime. We shoot rabid dogs, don't we?

Can society enforce "thou shall not kill" by killing? I wish I could say no.
For Dylan and Shasta, I say: "Yes, willingly."

1 comment:

  1. I find myself turning this question over and over in my mind.
    I am not one to judge, yet I pass judgement every day. I am not one to condemn, but I still pronounce verdicts and regret them as soon as they are voiced.

    Goddamned fence.
    Une chance qu'elle est là.
