A hardly knows me.
B knows me and doesn't like me. B may or may not have been privy to some information about me, information that should not have been given without a context, and B might or might not have passed it on to A, and might or might not have put a negative twist to it.
I don't know how much B's been told. I don't know what, if anything B told A about me. I don't even know whether they ever discussed me.
But I know this:
I don't trust B. And there are not a lot of people about whom I will say this.
How do you like the plot so far? lol
God knows I'm no angel. God knows I am so flawed I could be a poster child for imperfection. But I'll tell the brilliant people out there (and the brilliant people know who they are, they can't help it):
Don't you believe anything said about me, good or bad, unless you can double check it for yourself. There's plenty of material for rumors about me. I know some of them, I can guess some others. All I ask is: form your own opinion from your own findings. Make up your own mind. Keep your own counsel.
Now does that sound like a paranoïed post OR WHAT? I seldom seek to justify myself. But this has been on my mind for a long time. I have a blog: today is the day I voice it.
Then I'll go back to the voice of reason, which somehow always sounds like Sam:
"If they hear something bad about you and believe it without bothering to double check... F*** them. They're not worth you worrying over them."
Dear Sam, happy birthday, you're wonderful.
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