Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What's up

Long time no write. I'm in a pretty demanding work training all week, demanding in concentration and by being shut up in a room with no air circulation.

I thought Jeno would blog more than ever but I see he's also slowing down quite a bit. I therefore deduce that prolific blogging is directly proportional to the time spent in front of a computer.

I am not driven to write much these days. Partly because I spend less time in front of a screen. Partly because ..."censored"....can't write that.

I foresee the TLM business possibly coming to a drastic turn or dead-end in the event circumstances go from my seeing him four times a week to not ever. The possibility struck me yesterday, is out of my control, and sent me reeling. I'm now aware it could come to pass. If and when it does, the blow will be incredibly hard. I will either survive or go to pieces. Wish me to survive.

My pool will get a new lining with exotic fish, and therefore become operational, on June fourth. Considering it's already sweltering, I have a feeling we're going to long for it before that!

The strange winter killed two of my rosebushes and a number of other bushes. But all my little bitty growing trees made it and are covered in tender green leaves. What a lovely time of year.

Talk to you soon.


  1. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Of course you will survive!!!
    (Tiens, ça rappelle une chanson...:-)

  2. Angel...haven't talked to you in a while. You're still a darling aren't you?
