Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Fall has cometh. Dark skies, intermittent rain. The leaves are turning and I should not go anywhere without my camera, because every once in a while, on an anonymous corner, a tree will stand out in an explosion of gold or red, so bright, so perfect that it seemed to have been planted by elves overnight.

Every morning, before I get up, I get a ten-minute cuddling session from Chinook. He shows up in full purr when my alarm clock rings, so I press snooze and we settled down for some serious petting, kissing, purring, curled up in my neck like the little baby he still is. It starts a day well.

My feelings got hurt recently, and as usual when that happens, I’m longing for affection from the rest of my circle. Virtual hugs are welcome. I wouldn’t even mind a burro kiss or two.

By the way, I found a cure for insomnia. Recently I would wake up around 4 or 5 am and be unable to go back to sleep. So I decided to take advantage of that and go running at those early hours, to start the day well. I laid out my clothes and prepared my Ipod.

I’ve been sleeping like a baby ever since! LOL!

(Photo credits unknown)


  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Lâche pas, you're the best!

  2. Sophie1:23 PM


  3. Big virtual hug from the bro' and kudos on your new running technique. ;-)

  4. And I get a ten-minute cuddling session from Kassie. Isn't it the best way to start the day? :)

    I'm sorry your feelings were hurt and crave the same when mine are. Burro hugs and kisses do wonders, and we'll be happy to send you virtual ones until you're able to get the real ones.

  5. p.s. That's a beautiful photo. I can just "smell" it. :)

  6. Mmmmoua. Big kiss from Quebec City. :) (And Boo and Ezio are sleepily looking up from their naps and send you a purr or two.)
