Tuesday, March 24, 2009

President Obama

Some humor, the rest makes me feel so glad and safe that he's the Leader. May I vote for him, again?

Excerpt from the transcript of President Obama on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, March 19, 2009

"I see the fairground where I think we're having this town hall and I said, well, why don't we walk over there? Secret Services says, no, sir, it's 750 yards."

"I do think Washington is a bit like "American Idol" except everybody is Simon Cowell."

"The change I'd like to see in terms of tax policy is that we have a system (…) where you and I who are doing pretty well pay a little bit more to pay for healthcare, to pay for energy, to make sure that kids can go to college who aren't as fortunate as ours (…)"

"Most of the stuff that got us into trouble was perfectly legal. And that is a sign of how much we've got to change our laws --right?"

" (…) a smart kid coming out of school, instead of wanting to be an investment banker, we need them to decide they want to be an engineer, they want to be a scientist, they want to be a doctor or a teatcher."

"(…) I think two days ago, when somebody asked, well, do you have confidence in Tim Geithner. I said, look, I'm the president, so ultimately all this stuff is my responsibility."

"And one of the things I am trying to break is a pattern in Washington where everybody is always looking for somebody else to blame."

"It's spectacular what is being done now with plug-in hybrids, where not only are you getting the hybrid technology, but now you can plug it in at home in your garage (…) And when you get home you could potentially sell the energy in your car back into the grid, back to your utility, and get money.
So we're going to be investing billions of dollars in research and development around these technologies (…) That's a whole new level of technology. That what's going to create the auto industry of the future."

"You know, they say if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."