Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Identifying as... another color

Will a white student apply on a Chinese study grant because “I really feel like I am Chinese deep down”? Cut the crap.

When will we hear “I was born in the wrong body. My body is black but I’ve always been white inside. I identify as white.”? Just because you wish it doesn’t make it true.

I have compassion for Rachel Dolezal having a messed-up racial identity. But don’t build anything on a lie. It’s the lie I object to.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

For Estorbo - Poetry

Dearest Estorbo: I miss you.

A very good friend offered me a wonderful gift. It’s a book of poetry.
It’s called “I Could Pee on This – and Other Poems by Cats”. I really wished I would have received it during your lifetime because I think you would have enjoyed it enormously. I can still share some of it with you:

Sometimes when I lie on your warm chest
And I hear your every happy sigh
I gaze into your two kind eyes
And wonder, “Who is that?”
I swear I can hear you cackling insanely
Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
I will share more. Love you